A Star Legal Associates mainly Provides all ISO Certifications, like- ISO 9000, 9001, 27001, 50001, 14001, 13485, 21001, 22301, and 45001; these services are available in all states and cities across India like- Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Mumbai, Bangalore, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Chennai, etc. Providing these services since 2004.
ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. ISO certification creates trust and reliability among customers, other stakeholders, and consumers towards the organization and establishes strong credibility. This certification provides standards to organizations in today’s competitive market.
Applicable Fee for ISO Certification
The Applicable fee for iso certification depends on the following –
- Size of the organization, companies, and business.
- Number of workers in the organization.
- Organizational procedure, and management plans in the association.
- The level of threat associated with the organization’s products and services.
- The depth of the management system of the organization, business, and company.
- Number of work shifts in the organization.
- Nature of business in the organization.
- Certification bodies.
ISO Certification Body (ISO Registrar)
QAA is an international board. This body provides certification at the India & international level. The main objective of this body is to protect the environment, property, and life through total quality management and quality assurance.
ISO Certification Process in India
Make an Application:
There is a useful method to gain this certification. First of all An application has to be made to get the certification. One must apply to obtain a certification. In this application, all the information related to the organization and the business has to be provided to the registrar. The registrar gets the information that your organization wants to get this certification.
Documents Review by Registrar:
In the second stage of the process, the registrar asks for documents from the organization. The organization informs the registrar about all the documents. These documents include the name of the organization, business identity, applicant’s name, address card, management systems of the organization, policies, etc.
Determination of Pre-assessment Needs:
In this phase, organizations and companies make improvements in existing business systems. Assess the financial process of their organization. How the systems are affecting the organization. Assess the policies of the organization.
Prepare an Action Plan:
In this stage, the management systems in the organization and business make action plans to make the policies and systems of the organization effective and of international level.
Onsite Inspection or Audit:
In this stage, onsite inspection takes place. This audit is done by the Registrar. A member of the Registrar (auditor) checks the qualification of the employees in the organization, the type of business in the organization and companies, its quality, the systems of the organization, the cleanliness system in the organization, the security system, etc. If any error is found, he corrects them, provides international-level training to the employees, and gives global level to the organization.
Final audit:
In this stage, the auditor conducts the final audit of the organization and prepares the final report to be submitted to the Registrar.
Get ISO Certificate:
The Registrar issues ISO certification to the organization after receiving the final report of the company. The validity of this certification is 3 years. ISO certification is renewed after 3 years.
Surveillance Audits:
Even after receiving certification, the Registrar conducts continuous audits of your organization.
ISO Certification Consultant in India
A Star Legal Associates is the number one ISO certification consultant in India. Our team is qualified to supply you with details related to ISO standards. You can consultancy from us for your business, we will provide new direction to your business and provide efficiency to your organization. Consultancy from us today.